Marriage for gays! Ban old people from the Internet instead.

5 thoughts on “Marriage for gays! Ban old people from the Internet instead.”

  1. Since when do we need permission from the government to marry? Since the 1920’s when the marriage licenses were created. Before that, your priest/pastor would sign the marriage certificate and that was that. It was ok for white people to marry white people and black people to marry black people, but when black people wanted to marry white people, the government had to step in and say, “oh no no, you can’t do that. You need a marriage license.”

    Just like a dog license or a fishing license. You need permission from the government if you want to marry the person you love. In my opinion that is a load of bullshit. Unfortunately, today, nobody thinks about that. People actually encourage the government to step into our own, private affairs. Now marriages are just about taxes. Sometimes, that stupid piece of paper is what keeps couples together, even though they can’t stand each other. And it prevents people who truly love each other from being considered “officially” married.

    I don’t want a menage a trois with the government, so I’m never getting a marriage license. They have no business to poke their noses in my family.

  2. yea Mayka, sorry to revisit so tardy — I just finished spring term and I should be around (I think). And you are right, I did have a gallery of images but I took them down some time ago. I am working on a rough cut of an image montage that I can show you soon! best

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